<?php /* * Deactivation page to simple deactivate the plugin when backend is not accessible anymore * To deactivate: * 1) rename this file to force-deactivate.php * 2) Go in your browser to www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/force-deactivate.php. * 3) IMPORTANT!!!! Rename this file back to .txt */ ?> <html> <body> <?php # No need for the template engine define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false ); #find the base path define( 'BASE_PATH', find_wordpress_base_path() . "/" ); //make sure the files are loaded if (!defined('RSSSL_DOING_SYSTEM_STATUS')) define( 'RSSSL_DOING_SYSTEM_STATUS' , true); # Load WordPress Core require_once( BASE_PATH . 'wp-load.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); $core_plugin = 'really-simple-ssl/rlrsssl-really-simple-ssl.php'; if ( ! is_plugin_active( $core_plugin ) ) { echo "<h1>Really Simple SSL is already deactivated!</h1>"; exit; } $step = 1; echo "<h1>Force deactivation of Really Simple SSL</h1>"; echo $step . ". Resetting options" . "<br>"; $networkwide = is_multisite(); RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->deactivate( $networkwide ); $step ++; //add feedback on writable files. if ( count( RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->errors ) > 0 ) { echo $step . ". Errors occured while deactivating:<ul>"; $step ++; foreach ( RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->errors as $errorname => $error ) { echo "<li>" . $errorname . "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "Errors while removing the Really Simple SSL lines from your wp-config.php and .htaccess files, which you can normally find in your webroot." . "<br><br>"; } echo $step . ". Deactivating plugin" . "<br>"; rl_deactivate_plugin( RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->plugin_dir . "/" . RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->plugin_filename ); $step ++; echo $step . ". Completed with <b>" . count( RSSSL()->really_simple_ssl->errors ) . "</b> error(s)" . "<br>"; function rl_remove_plugin_from_array( $plugin, $current ) { $key = array_search( $plugin, $current ); if ( false !== $key ) { $do_blog = true; unset( $current[ $key ] ); } return $current; } function rl_deactivate_plugin( $plugin ) { $plugin = plugin_basename( trim( $plugin ) ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $network_current = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', array() ); if ( is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin ) ) { unset( $network_current[ $plugin ] ); } update_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', $network_current ); //remove plugin one by one on each site $args = array( 'public' => 1, ); $sites = get_sites($args); foreach ( $sites as $site ) { switch_to_blog($site->blog_id); $current = get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); $current = rl_remove_plugin_from_array( $plugin, $current ); update_option( 'active_plugins', $current ); restore_current_blog(); //switches back to previous blog, not current, so we have to do it each loop } } else { $current = get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); $current = rl_remove_plugin_from_array( $plugin, $current ); update_option( 'active_plugins', $current ); } update_option( 'active_plugins', $current ); } /** * Helper function to find Wordpress base path. */ function find_wordpress_base_path() { $dir = dirname( __FILE__ ); do { if ( file_exists( $dir . "/wp-load.php" ) ) { return $dir; } if ( file_exists( $dir . "/wp" ) ) { return $dir . "/wp"; } } while ( $dir = realpath( "$dir/.." ) ); return null; } ?> </body> </html>