ATTENTION: Do not edit or modify the files in this directory, as they might be changed in future plugin versions. This would lead to a loss of your changes! * If you want to make changes to your language's file, please see the TablePress Extension "Change DataTables strings" at for instructions on how to do this. * If you just want to change to a different language file, you can override the locale by using the Shortcode parameter "datatables_locale" or with the plugin filter hook `tablepress_datatables_locale`. This Shortcode would change the used language to German for table 123: [table id=123 datatables_locale="de_DE" /] * If you want to translate the language file into your own language, copy the file "lang-en_US.json", rename the copy to "lang-XX_XX.json", where `XX_XX` is the ISO code for your language, which you also find on Then, you can translate that file. If you email the file to me, I'll gladly add it to the next release of the plugin. Most languages in the folder are from You can also check that page, to see if your language has been added and tell me about it. You can find example code for this in the FAQ at or in the documentation at Thank you!